Rev. Dr. Oppong Adu-Gyamfi
General Overseer

Dr. Adu-Gyamfi is the Founder and General Overseer of International Charismatic Church worldwide. He is also the Senior Pastor of the Charismatic Cathedral, the global headquarters. He has a very extensive background in ministry and has been ministering close to four decades. A very anointed bible teacher and fortright preacher. He has a heart for mentoring the next generation of leaders and serves as the spiritual father to all ICC pastors and other ministers who are not affiliated. He is the Vice Chairman of National Association of Charismatic and Christian Churches. He also founded the Frontline Bible Institute, a bible school committed to discipling and training more ministers and labourers for the endtime harvest.

He is a media personality with TV and radio programs such as Time With ICC and Voice Of Charisma which are broadcasted throughout Ghana and beyond. Also, he is a TV host of Concordance, a program that highlights various Christian topics for dicussion with seasoned ministers. An author of books, such as Christian Discipline: the responsibility of every believer and Greater Grace. He is married to Lady Pastor Grace Adu-Gyamfi and they have three boys: Charisma, Stefan and Aaron. They make their home in Accra, Ghana.

Stephen Ofori-Abedi
Resident Pastor

Preaching since the age of 10 years old. Pastor Steve, affectionately called, continues to inspire, encourage, and edify the body of Christ with the Word of God. Mentored and fathered by Bishop Adu-Gyamfi he has established two branches, London, England and New Jersey, USA. Pastor Steve continues to teach to the masses with great passion and conviction that many souls will come to know Christ as their personal saviour and endure as a Christian in these very difficult times.

He teaches Christians to hold on to faith, pray and how to overcome many of life’s obstacles. He also has a great conviction to raise up leaders from this generation to keep preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in becoming part of this generation that preaches the Word of God without compromise, or want to learn more about the ministry email pastor Steve and detail your interests.

Jessica Ofori-Abedi
Executive Pastor

Pastor Jessica is very gifted and anointed in the areas of prayer and the prophetic who serves alongside her husband, Pastor Stephen Ofori-Abedi. A dynamic prayer intercessor who leads with passion encouraging all to make prayer a lifestyle and also a powerful preacher. She also oversees the administrative aspect of the ministry.

She is the founder of Angel Wings, a ministry catered to girls in the sex industry in need of help and also holding health outreaches for the homeless, poor and needy.